Integrating IT Log Analytics across Your Enterprise to Find and Proactively Fix Problems before They Become Outages
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE in San Antonio 2016
Are you being asked to add new applications; technology and systems; while cutting costs? Do you need to provide 24x7 mobile application support? Do you need to react to potential problems before they become critical issues?
The ability to quickly and easily analyze data just gets more important.
In this session the speaker will discuss how new IT Log Analytics features allow you pull in new data sources like NetView; RACF and enhanced support for CICS Transaction Server. Using new integrations; you can now start investigating issues in products such as OMEGAMON; Service Management Unite and Netcool Operations Insights and dive to deeper levels by launching into IT Operations Analytics. With new alerting options; learn how to leverage IT Log Analytics capabilities to become more proactive by opening up new log sources to your existing automation including z/OS JOBLOGs and USS log files in addition to allowing automation access to logs from across the enterprise; including windows and Linux platforms.-Rob Johnston-IBM
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