ISPF is Dead! Long Live ISPF! 2020 Edition
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE Virtual 2020,
Have you heard that ISPF is dead? Do you still rely on ISPF to do your job? Do you want to continue to see enhancements to ISPF so it remains relevant to the work you do? If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then this session is for you! To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of ISPF's death were an exaggeration. A dedicated core of long-time ISPF users and developers are working to enhance ISPF wherever possible, to ensure that ISPF remains viable well into the future. Two significant works from this group are PDSEGEN and the CBT Usermod Collection for ISPF (CUCI). Attend this session to learn about:
- Exploiting PDSE Member Generations
- EDIT highlighting for unsupported languages such as Java, SQL, shell script (and many more!)
- Block deletes in 3.4 that don't stop for VSAM
- Setting defaults that ISPCCONF doesn't
- and many more!
We fully expect this effort to continue and grow into the future, so please, COME JOIN THE REVOLUTION!-Thomas Conley-Pinnacle Consulting Group
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