Kill It With Fire: Manage Aging Computer Systems and Future Proof Modern Ones
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Integrating Innovative Technologies,
Professional Development
SHARE Columbus 2022
There has been a lot of excitement about Marianne Bellotti's book Kill It With
Fire: Manage Aging Computer Systems (and Future Proof Modern Ones). Marianne's
unique background has led her to study how culture influences the implementation
and development of software. With her significant experience in restoring old
systems to operational excellence, she has a well-informed perspective on how to
modernize systems incorporating the best of mainframes and newer technologies.
She argues that modernization should always start with business objectives and
wherever possible, leverage the existing investment in technologies and
applications. In this session, Misty Decker will highlight the key points in the
book with a special focus on the unique perspectives not usually seen elsewhere.
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