Lab: Linux for Beginners, Part 1 of 3
Project and Program:
Linux & VM,
SHARE San Jose 2017
Most likely you have heard of the Linux operating system, but perhaps the somewhat arcane command names have scared you away from doing anything with the operating system. Certainly command names such as grep, awk and so forth can be intimidating.
This hands-on workshop is intended for people with no UNIX or Linux background. The purpose of the lab is to introduce you to the Linux operating system from an “end-user” perspective. You will experience logging into a Linux system and have the opportunity to execute various Linux commands that any user of a Linux system or Linux System Administrator needs to be aware of.
Along the way, we will cover the basic structure of the operating system, and put the commands you are working with into the larger operating system context. You will learn about things such as processes, devices, file systems and commands that relate to those portions of the operating system and much more. This workshop is an excellent place to start if you are interested in the Linux operating system.-Neale Ferguson-Sine Nomine Associates
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