Language Environment (LE) for Dummies
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
LE and Programming Languages
SHARE San Jose 2017
OK, so you are certainly not a dummy. But you want to know what the heck this LE thing is that everyone is talking about. Well, here's your chance - we'll talk about where LE came from, what it does and can do for you and introduce you to some terms and concepts that you may not have been exposed to before.
Because LE is integrated into the z/OS operating system platform, LE can not be considered just an application migration issue. The speaker for this session will describe how to set LE run-time options (including the CEEPRMss and DD:CEEOPTS), and recommended settings for those key run-time options that are common across all application environments. The details for specific languages and specific operating environments are covered in follow on sessions.
This session is a good first step to lay the groundwork for all other LE, COBOL, PL/I and C/C++ sessions given the rest of the week.-Tom Petrolino-IBM Corporation; Nai Jie Li-IBM Corporation
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