Latest Updates on IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE Virtual 2020,
The phenomenon of “digital disruption” means that the volume of data across the enterprise is skyrocketing. Most companies see this as an IT issue but throwing dollars and people at the problem can quickly create more problems than it solves. Instead, forward-looking organizations are finding ways to work better, faster and smarter. Could you bring disparate sources of data together, provide it to users across the enterprise and ensure they’re all getting a unified view of the information? Could you provide decision makers with data in seconds—not hours or days? Could you provide real-time analysis to mitigate risk and more accurately gauge capacity? Could you provide the drill-down needed to support your analysis?
IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics provides a simple, out-of-the-box solution, based on data curated in near real time. With this offering the user will be able to perform much-needed Capacity Planning and Performance Management with one end-to-end tool, which provides the next level of process maturity with forecasting of resource utilization, what-if simulation and modeling. Existing resources are optimized, and sufficient capacity is in place to run the business and meet expected service levels. Come and learn about these exciting new capabilities and the value of this comprehensive tool to your enterprise.-Christopher Walker-IBM; Al Hanna-21st Century Software; Rebecca Levesque-21st Century Software
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