LinuxONE Community Cloud - The Adventure Continues
Project and Program:
Linux & VM,
SHARE St. Louis 2018
In January 2016, a new venture was made publicly available, the LinuxONE Community Cloud. The original goal was to allow users and developers all over the world to experience Linux on z Systems at no cost. Using a combination of z/VM, openstack and Linux, this public cloud has provided servers to hundreds of subscribers. Along the way, a lot of lessons have been learned, and new goals have been established. The experiment has taken on a life of its own.
This updated presentation will cover what has happened in the last six months and beyond. Included will be the challenge of providing z/OS services as part of the cloud, solving performance issues related to new z/VM features such as hyperdispatch and facing the challenge of upgrading 10 z/VM systems hosting nearly 1000 Linux servers.-Martha McConaghy-Marist College
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