Living on Mainframe Time -- A User Experience
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE in Anaheim 2011,
Two short years ago, mainframes were literally and figuratively being pushed out of Canada's Department of National Defence (DND).
With the growth of the distributed world and a veritable glut of Windows admins, walls were built up against "those expensive mainframes", who responded by putting up walls of their own. Since mainframes never "broke" nobody ever complained, and eventually the only people who knew they existed were those who supported them and those who counted the money - and only one of those groups were interested in keeping them. This fiscal year, DND's mainframe support section received funding to allow for unprecedented growth, including virtualized Linux, model upgrades, increased redundancy and the upcoming purchase of a fourth mainframe.
Join us for an exciting session and hear how DND's mainframe went from near-obscurity to front-and-centre architecture!
Presenter(s): John R. Palmer, Department of National Defence
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