LNL: ISPW Together with Git Can Take Your DevOps to the Next Level
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE Dallas 2022
For years now we have been transforming organizations’ Mainframes application teams to be leaner, faster, more productive and more agile when using ISPW and the Topaz suite of tools. Organizations have reaped the benefits of bringing DevOps to the Mainframe and treating the Mainframe like just another platform. Like always though, technology advances move forward. Now we are hearing a lot about using Git for Mainframe code. While this can be a daunting concept to some organizations, we are here to tell you that with the open API approach within the ISPW architecture, you can embrace Git and take you DevOps journey to the next level. In this sessions you will learn: • How Git works with ISPW and the Mainframe seamlessly • How to build and deploy your code using Git + ISPW • What are the benefits you get from using Git with ISPW • How we can migrate your code + History to Git • How to manage your Code within a Git world - Strategies and techniques for maximizing your Git journey
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