Lock it down - WebSphere MQ Security [z/OS & distributed]
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
MQ (Messaging and Queuing along with Integration Bus)
SHARE in Anaheim 2012,
More than ever before, security issues are on the top of everyone's list. From the latest updatesto the difference between Authentication and Identification. WebSphere MQ is no stranger to providing security related capabilities and features. It has always provided a number of strong security capabilities, including SSL for channel authentication and encryption, and more recently channel authentication records for blocking/allowing in remote connections, along with fine-grained access control of queue manager objects via authorisation profiles. If security is of interest to you, come and find out about the approach taken by WebSphere MQ products for controlling user access to MQ resources and all about the latest security features delivered in WebSphere MQ.
Craig Both ; IBM Corporation
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