Mainframe and Mobile - Are your back-end apps ready?
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE in Anaheim 2014,
The face of your business is changing; for the better! Mobile is empowering consumers and employees with new ways to engage your organization. It is up to you to embrace the challenge this represents and embrace an enterprise strategy to capitalize on this generational shift in the IT industry. Mobile apps, tightly integrated into optimized enterprise services and built by agile, cross-functional teams, will help deliver true business value.
In order to take your mobile strategy and execution to the next level and offer five-star apps, businesses must integrate mobile applications with business-critical back-end data sources. In this session with Rosalind Radcliffe, IBM Distinguished Engineer, we'll discuss IBM's cutting edge IDE to mobilize System z Applications. This unique IBM solution combines end-to-end application lifecycle management with both mobile and mainframe development features – all integrated into one package.-Rosalind Radcliffe-IBM Corporation
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