Mainframe Solid state disk User Experience and tools to store and analyze RMF data
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
SHARE in Atlanta 2012
- Briefly explain SSD architecture - SLC, MLC, etc
- SSD's benefits and its applicability to mainframe storage
- Where it helps and where it doesn't
- How to PoC and measure the results
- How to implement for mainframe storage (dedicated vs non-dedicated sgrp)
- Closer look at TYPE42 fields
- Reports to analyze TYPE42 data
- How to choose candidates
- Storage Tiering (array automated) vs Controlling candidates from SMS/ACS
- Rexx and assembler tool to store and review data
- Brief review of DB2 reorg and its applicability for SSD based data
- References
Sridher N. Manivel, Lowe's
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