Mainframers Are From Mars, Executives Are From a Galaxy Far Far Away!
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Professional Development
SHARE Virtual 2020,
Aren't you tired of the cycle? A new CIO comes in, decides he will win by "Getting off the mainframe by the end of the year!", blows a ton of money, fails gets fired, and a nre CIO comes in and the cycle starts again. We need to be able to talk to these people and show the value of the mainframe. The problem is they talk a completely different language. If we are going to help our companies we have to learn how to talk to these people. This session will help you talk to executives in a language that they understand, to help them see how the mainframe can make them successful.-Jovanna Hadley-IBM; Frank DeGilio-IBM Corporation; Larry England-Broadcom; Luisa Martinez-IBM; Barbara Leinberger-IBM; Sola Ogunsola-IBM
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