Managing a Disaster: IT Crisis Management and Emergency Response Teams
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE in Orlando 2011
When a disaster occurs, and there will be one someday, it is too late to start planning how you will handle the situation.Confusion in a stressful situation can very easily arise, and can be fatal. All companies need to prepare a recovery plan to cover disasters such as IT and utility failures, terrorist attacks, fraud, sabotage, theft, extreme flooding and fire. The aim of this plan is to enable the your organization protect your staff and assets during an incident, resume and maintain your key activities during the disruption and return swiftly to normal operarations. Remember your work premises could be classed as a crime scene, further hampering your attempts to resume normal operations. Planning for communications and risk mitigation during the event just does not work!
In this session, our speaker(s) will focus on developing, implementing and testing with your IT focused Crisis Management plan(s) and the associated management team(s). No organization is immune to a crisis. Thus, a contingency plan must always be ready for overcome the crisis. Join us to learn more about managing a crisis (with some real world examples) and techniques you can apply if you find yourself in a crisis, that impacts one of your data centers or IT is impacted by the crisis.
Presenter(s): Karla Houser, Caterpillar Inc. and Ellis Holman, IBM Corporation
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