MEMU2 for DB2 10 and 11 for z/OS
Project and Program:
Information Management,
SHARE in Seattle 2015
In DB2 10 VSCR for DB2 threads was delivered, allowing many more threads than was possible previously. The free MEMU2 package on IBM Developerworks for prior DB2 versions helped users analyze their workloads to determine how many threads could be run safely in the virtual storage below the 2 GB bar in a DB2. Without enough virtual storage, DB2 could fail, causing a preventable outage. The primary trace record used in MEMU2 for DB2 10 was greatly enlarged, so a new MEMU2 and new documentation was needed. The presentation and a sample spreadsheet are published at IBM's Techdocs library, as replacement for the previous version. The methodology and how to use the supplied charts are described. The goal: to enable YOU more easily to determine the number of threads to run and whether you have enough Real storage for your workload.-Judy Ruby-Brown-IBM Corporation
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