MIgrating to DB2 10
Project and Program:
Information Management,
SHARE in Anaheim 2011,
This presentation discusses migrating to DB2 10, preparing to use the new functions, understanding process and planning. Process, customer recommendations, and pointers to more information are included. This session will focus on the tasks of the person who installs DB2. Systems programmers and database administrators generally perform this task. This session will help you get ready to migrate to the new version and to be ready for the next one. Whether you are ready to migrate now or are still years away, the planning step should start now, so that you can use your time more effectively.
The session outline will touch lightly on the first two items, which are covered in the opening session, then spend most of the time on the key decisions and process of migration, pointing to other resources.
- Existing limits: CPU, virtual storage, latching, DB2 catalog and directory, utilities, …
- What’s in DB2 10 to overcome these limitations
- Key decisions, process, and best practices of migrating
- Prerequisites and deprecated functions
- What to expect from migrating to DB2 10 for z/OS on day 1 and later
Presenter(s): Roger Miller, IBM Corporation
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