Modernization - Real Life Scenario - How Customers are Doing It
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
SHARE in San Antonio 2016
CICS users are loyal to their apps – and for good reason! However; they also need to integrate these same applications with an ever widening array of web; cloud and mobile resources. If that weren’t enough; every year they are under pressure to support new workload and reduce the cost of ownership. That’s a tall order.
Fortunately; IBM continues to deliver new versions of CICS that focus on operational efficiency and service agility. CICS business partners build upon these capabilities to help customers save time; reduce cost or generate revenue.
This presentation highlights tactics and strategies and tools that customers are using to enhance the value of their existing CICS and System z investments – while lowering their total cost of ownership.
Harry MacCord; Director; Educational Testing Service and Keith Hallquist; Solution Architect; Enterprise Architecture; Woodmen of the World will be presenting the technology solutions that have been implemented in their organizations.-Harry MacCord-Educational Testing Service; Keith Hallquist-Woodmen of the World
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