Monitoring: Become More Proactive Via Effective Historical Analysis
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE in Orlando 2011
Monitoring technologies provide powerful real time system performance and availability management capabilities. Beyond at real time monitoring, it's important to have robust historical data collection and analysis functionality. History can be essential not only in terms of understanding what happened in the past, but also from the perspective of making real time monitoring more effective and meaningful.
Our speaker will focus on typical historical data collection considerations for a variety of infrastructure areas, including the z/OS operating system, CICS subsystem and task history, DB2 subsystem and thread history, and IMS subsystem and near term history. Our speaker will present practical, real world examples of historical analysis functions common to these components using OMEGAMON and other Tivoli solutions as examples.
Our speaker will also address the following considerations:
- What are the optimal ways to collect of historical information?
- What are the various types of historical data available?
- How may historical information be viewed and analyzed?
- What are the most effective ways to use history to solve common problems?
- How can you use history to improve real time monitoring?
Presenter(s): Ed Woods, IBM Corporation
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