OSPF - The Architecture
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Communications Server
SHARE in Anaheim 2011,
OSPF as part of OMPROUTE is the strategic direction for implementing a dynamic IP routing protocol in CS for OS/390. The link-state algorithms of OSPF bring great advantages to an IP network over those offered by the distance vector algorithms of RIP. As a result, many customers are choosing to move away from static routing and from the dynamic RIP routing of OROUTED to an OSPF implementation with OMPROUTE, available since OS/390 V2R6. To do this can be relatively simple if you understand the basic architecture of OSPF and if you understand how this architecture influences your implementation and coding choices in OS/390 (z/OS).
This session introduces you to concepts like autonomous systems," different types of "areas," "link state advertisements," and more. Thus it gives you the necessary background to understand the network design and coding decisions you will be asked to make when you actually start configuring your OSPF environment in z/OS.
Presenter(s): Gwen Dente, IBM Corporation
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