Pervasive Encryption: Get a Grip on Your z/OS Network Encryption with zERT
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE Virtual 2020,
z/OS Encryption Readiness Technology is available on z/OS V2R3 and later, providing the first comprehensive view of the cryptographic protection characteristics of your z/OS TCP and Enterprise Extender traffic. In 2018, a couple key enhancements like zERT aggregation and the zERT Network Analyzer UI made it much easier and cost effective to access and analyze the data that zERT collects. In this session the speaker will: • Review the zERT function
• Illustrate how to use the zERT Network Analyzer to formulate queries that will answer your specific questions about the strengths and weaknesses of your z/OS network encryption implementation, and
• Share some hints and tips for configuring zERT and the zERT Network Analyzer
-Chris Meyer-IBM Corporation
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