Predict Bad Things Before They Happen . Even if You Haven’t Seen Them Before
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE Virtual 2020,
Bad things just happen. Whether it’s a performance slow down or a service disruption, it has an impact on our enterprises whether it be revenue, productivity or both. Over the decades we’ve built our monitors to help ease that problem, but it is only most effective if we’ve experienced the problem before. Machine Learning solutions learn from past events including performance slowdowns and service disruptions much like humans would. In other words, many machine learning solutions out there today would have to experience the problem at least once before it can predict it. What if there was a combination of machine learning components, when put together, are able to see those bad things even if you’ve never encountered them before? We’ll talk about those machine learning components and how BMC Software is using them today to deliver truly predictive machine learning solutions.-Nigel Slinger-BMC Software
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