PSP: Velocity Software does z/OS
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE Virtual 2020,
After 30 years of successfully providing performance management for z/VM, Linux on IBM Z, and networks, zOSMON, performance management for z/OS, is now part of the Velocity Software product suite. Monitoring 3 z/OS LPARs, 50 CICS transactions per second, several Linux servers and z/VM itself - costs less than 1% of the capacity of one IFL. zOSMON works with a very simple SMF record collector on z/OS that ships supported records over to zVPS running on z/VM. This means no overhead on z/OS from your performance management software. By using our z/OS collector versus a heavy product suite to collect the z/OS data, we provide very large savings to customers in terms of z/OS resources. Being able to look at a full enterprise on a “single pane of glass” is what most customers desire and require.-Barton Robinson-Velocity Software, Inc.
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