PSP: What's new with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Z?
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE Virtual 2020,
The availability of Red Hat OpenShift for IBM Z and LinuxONE was a major milestone for both hybrid multicloud and for enterprise computing. In addition, by bringing up to date support for IBM Power, there is a significant improvement to the OpenShift support of cloud-native applications being built once and deployed anywhere.
In this session, learn why Red Hat OpenShift 4 is easy to use, not just for installation, but also for day 2 operations. Revel in the new features we have brought to the 4.4 release and specifically learn how OpenShift runs on IBM Z. Available via IBM Cloud Paks and with recently introduced support for Red Hat Runtimes like Quarkus, there was never a better time to learn what OpenShift can do in your Z environment.-Duncan Hardie-Red Hat; Murthy Garimella-Red Hat
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