RACF Power Tools - Using IRRICE and Rexx on IRRADU00 and IRRDBU00
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE in Anaheim 2012,
RACF provides powerful tools like the IRRADU00 SMF extract and IRRDBU00 database extract to reveal exactly what's happening in RACF. By using IRRICE reports and Rexx, RACF administrators can self-audit their RACF environment. This will enable them to discover flaws and weaknesses which can be fixed before they become an audit finding on a management report. In this session, our speaker will review how to run IRRADU00 and IRRDBU00, explain how to install and run the IRRICE reports, and show how to generate customized reports using Rexx to analyze the data available in IRRADU00 and IRRDBU00.
Thomas Conley ; Pinnacle Consulting Group
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