Reduce Root Cause Problem Determination Time by Analyzing Anomalous Behavior
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE Virtual Summit 2021,
IBM z/OS has delivered a new capability, IBM z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator, to generate standardized, smarter, high frequency time sequenced summary data that is organized across multiple software stack dimensions in a single short term interval. Join us to learn how this new capability can help you improve your ability to manage your environment.
Using the IBM z/OS Workload Interaction Navigator, you can analyze the interval data, correlated and contextually prioritize short term anomalous for a given interval, helping you to identify issues across the entire workload stack. By analyzing these anomalies in different activity groups, cause and victim relationships can then easily be visualized across disparate activities, reducing root cause identification time. In addition, the activities of two short term intervals can be directly compared to validate that any software or workload changes have had the desired effect.
Speakers: Dan Wiegand and Daniel Rosa
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