Reining in HSM at the Storage Ranch
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
Proceedings ,
2020 ,
SHARE Fort Worth 2020
You’ve already heard some good advice on optimizing HSM at the August, 2019 SHARE, and from the Watson & Walker article on HSM (2018, n4). What about the z15 features, in addition to current use of zEDC? What about tape compression and your options with different tape compression and algorithms or changing your storage management strategies? We’ll use some comparative data to outline some opportunities to consider going forward.
Previously referenced recommendations will be emphasized, and other good practices will be highlighted to help you rein in your HSM demand. In spite of what some folks may have said with the advent of tailored fit pricing, it is always a good idea to reduce workloads. This is also true for those that outsource your mainframe infrastructure and pay the provider by some type of CPU measure.-Jack Opgenorth-IntelliMagic
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