Risk Awareness: Batch is Mission Critical
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Data Center Management
SHARE Sacramento 2018,
Your business demands 24/7 uptime, so how can we count on resiliency of applications that were designed to work 9-5? And whose job is it really? Your business and customers demand greater capabilities in ever-shorter periods of time. Batch job failure due to corruption or error can take hours if not days to find, correct, and restart with the right dependencies in place. By some estimates 66% of outages are caused by human error. Learn how to make your life easier and reduce the risks batch applications present. Discussed will be actionable steps to secure your data and automate your processes to deliver the missing link - application resiliency: 24/7.-Roselinda Schulman-Hitachi Data Systems; Rebecca Levesque-21st Century Software
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