SEC Project Kickoff - Recent z/OS Security Enhancements You May Have Missed
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE in Seattle 2015
The Security & Compliance Project Opening will introduce you to the week at SHARE Seattle and cover what has changed since the last release of z/OS.
Much has changed, all for the good of z/OS system integrity! But are you up to date on how these many changes have impacted your z/Enterprise security environment? This presentation will provide the “Cliff Notes” for understanding such changes in: Web Delivery, MVS Operator Commands, Communication Server, Health Checker, JES2/JES3, CICS, VTAM and z/OS ParmLib.
You won't want to miss this session!-Paul Robichaux-NewEra Software, Inc.; Carla Flores-CA Technologies
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