Security and Compliance Panel: Bring Your Questions!
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Security and Compliance
SHARE in Orlando 2015,
You won’t want to miss this session! Bring your questions on PCI DSS or any other security or compliance topic. One of the most widely-recognized compliance standards, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), was revised this past April to Version 3.1. The new version includes a new scoping requirement that may have a direct effect on your mainframe compliance. This will be an open discussion session primarily driven by questions and input from the audience. The panel has wide knowledge on the topic and none are shy to offer opinions and examples. Learn from our panel of experts what has changed and how to improve your compliance and audits – and ultimately your mainframe and your organization’s security.-Paul Robichaux-NewEra Software, Inc.; Charles Mills-CorreLog; Phil Smith-HP Security Voltage; Brian Marshall-Vanguard Integrity Professionals
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