Setting up and Securing CICS Region Provisioning Using the z/OS Provisioning Toolkit
Project and Program:
Application Architecture Development and Integration,
SHARE Sacramento 2018,
This session aims to guide users through the high-level configuration and setup steps needed to enable self-service provisioning through the z/OS Provisioning Toolkit and z/OSMF. We will start by introducing the new terminology used in the IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS component of z/OSMF, which underpins the provisioning process. We will examine how z/OSMF enables provisioning, and the configuration and authorisations that need to be in place to make that possible. We will then focus in particular on the provisioning of CICS regions. The IBM provided template for provisioning CICS regions contains a number of steps that perform different parts of the provisioning process. We will examine these steps and discuss the authorisation requirements of the userids that run those steps of the provisioning process.-Ledina Hido-Evans-IBM; Hiren Shah-IBM Corporation
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