Splitting Sysplex Workloads? Configuring DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm to Automatically Segregate Workload Over Time
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
SHARE in San Antonio 2016
Traditional SYSplex workload splits can be highly disruptive; requiring lengthy outages while huge volumes of data need to be unravelled in order to cleanly break away a portion of workload into its own environment. Learn how with a few configuration changes you can enable DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm to split their entwined workloads naturally; over time; without significant manual usage of standard Migrate; Recall; Recycle and tape mount processes. Depending on the amount of time available and the level of activity in the environment even large workloads can be mostly segregated in a few months. Although the final split will require an outage; the speakers will discuss how to reduce this window to hours instead of days.-Chris Taylor-IBM Corporation; Louis Hanna-IBM Corporation
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