The Tech World's Newest Catalog - IMS Catalog
Project and Program:
Information Management,
Information Management Systems
SHARE in Orlando 2015,
The database catalog of a database instance consists of metadata in which definitions of database objects such as base tables, views (virtual tables), synonyms, value ranges, indexes, users, and user groups are stored." (Wikipedia) Metadata is "data about data". (Merriam-Webster) "Metadata was traditionally in the card catalogs of libraries. As information has become increasingly digital, metadata are also used to describe digital data using metadata standards specific to a particular discipline. By describing the contents and context of data files, the usefulness of the original data/files is greatly increased." (Wikipedia)
"The main purpose of metadata is to facilitate in the discovery of relevant information, more often classified as resource discovery. Metadata also helps organize electronic resources, provide digital identification, and helps support archiving and preservation of the resource. Metadata assists in resource discovery by 'allowing resources to be found by relevant criteria, identifying resources, bringing similar resources together, distinguishing dissimilar resources, and giving location information.' (NISO Press) " (Wikipedia)
IMS now has database catalog that meets all of these definitions. This session will show you how IMS does this.-Nancy Stein-IBM Corporation
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