Understanding System-Managed Tape
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
SHARE San Jose 2017
DFSMS and System-Managed-Storage isn't just for DASD. Automated or manual tape libraries and tape volumes can, and for some type of hardware, must, be SMS-managed. The speaker will discuss how multiple metadata repositories such as the DFSMSrmm or other tape management system database, the Tape Configuration Database, and the z/OS catalog keep track of tape data, and the relationship between these components. We'll examine the role of the DFSMS ACS routines and the SMS constructs (data class, storage class, management class, and storage group) and how they affect affect tape device selection, scratch pooling, tape retention, and more. We'll also look at some practical examples of the use of console commands and ISMF panels, and similar interfaces related to SMS-managed tape.-Steve Pryor-DTS Software, Inc.
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