Understanding The Interaction Of z/OS Workload Manager And DB2
Project and Program:
Information Management,
SHARE in Orlando 2011
Workload Manager (WLM) is an essential component of the z/OS platform that manages resource allocation and prioritization for all critical applications and subsystems that run on z/OS, including DB2. Workload Manager may have a major impact on DB2 operation and performance. A solid understanding of WLM concepts, and how DB2 depends upon and exploits WLM is important to optimal DB2 tuning and performance management. This presentation is a detailed discussion of how DB2 resources and workloads are defined to and managed by Workload Manager. Recommendations for DB2 and WLM best practices will be covered. Examples of how DB2 exploitation of WLM has evolved over the years will be considered. This presentation is for all users who want a better understanding of the interaction of DB2 and WLM.
Presenter(s): Ed Woods, IBM Corporation
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