Upgrade to z/OS V2R4 Part 1 of 2: Planning
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE Virtual 2020,
This is part one of a two-part session that will be of interest to system programmers and their managers who are upgrading to z/OS 2.4 from z/OS 2.2. It is strongly recommended that you attend both sessions for a complete upgrade picture.
In part one, the speaker will focus on preparing for your z/OS 2.4 migration. She will discuss the changed content of z/OS 2.4. She will cover ordering and delivery options, and will explain the coexistence, migration, fall back, and service policies. Driving and target system requirements for both software and hardware will be highlighted along with some migrations actions you can perform now on your current z/OS release.
The Part 2 session is #26199-Marna Walle-IBM Corporation; Mark Wallen-IBM
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