User Experience: The Adventure Continues - Modern Tools for z/VM Native Application Development
Project and Program:
Linux & VM,
SHARE Columbus 2022
How do you rebuild an airplane in mid-flight without... surprising... your
passengers? Four years ago, I set out on an adventure: Migrating 15 years of
work (and nearly two million lines of source code) from tools and practices that
depend on XEDIT and UPDATE to modern CI/CD tools such as git and Jenkins. How do
you migrate to git in an environment that doesn't have a git client? How do you
implement dependency-based builds in an environment with no Unix/Linux 'make'
support so that you can avoid doing a complete build over a one-line source code
change? How do you automate build and unit test procedures on a platform with no
SSH server? How do you manage this change volume, plus senior staff retirements
followed by onboarding and training of next-generation engineering talent in the
middle of a global pandemic? It's not just possible -- it's done, complete with
a happy ending: Measurable improvements to quality, productivity, and delivery
times. Join me in this session to learn more about how we made it happen.
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