User Experiences with ThruPut Manager Automation Edition
Project and Program:
MVS Performance
SHARE in Atlanta 2012
The vendor MVS Solutions and two large commercial customers with significant z/OS batch workloads discuss their experiences managing their batch
with ThruPut Manager AE (Automation Edition). MVS Solutions will provide an overview of Thruput Manager including the
new capacity management feature and its ability to reduce their 4-hour rolling average and therefore their costs.
MVS Solutions will present an overview of Thruput Manager and the latest addition Production Control Services which adds capability to better manage work submitted job scheduler CA-7 to improve efficiency.
GEICO will discuss their experiences using Thruput Manager to manage batch workloads including TM/PCS in its earliest availability.
Humana will discuss their experience using Thruput Manager managing batch workloads using Service Level Management (TM/SLM) and more recently PCS (Production Control Services).
There will be time during the presentation for Q&A with the speakers.
Sam Knutson, GEICO; Mike Puiu, MVS Solutions, Inc.;Dan Ruehl, Humana Inc.
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