Using Enterprise Extender in the Network with Cisco SNA Switch
Project and Program:
Enterprise Data Center,
Communications Server
SHARE in Orlando 2011
Enterprise Extender (EE) isn't just for the mainframe! In this session you will learn how to use Cisco's IOS SNA Switching Services (SNASw) feature to extend your EE connections out into the network. The session covers four main topics:
- Concepts - The role of SNASw as a Branch Network Node (BrNN), a Dependent Logical Unit Requestor (DLUR), an EE/RTP endpoint, and as a participant in a local or global connection network.
- Design - which interfaces to use, co-existence with DLSW+, redundancy, the pros and cons of positioning SNASw in the branch vs. the data center, and choosing the right router platform.
- Configuration - a basic configuration sample, followed by description of more advanced configuration options and when they should be used.
- Troubleshooting - router show commands, the problem determination log (pdlog), the Sniffer-like data link control trace (dlctrace), the SNASw inter process signal trace (ipstrace), and how to automate capture of the above log and traces via the msgdump command. Lastly, walk through a simple problem determination exercise using the above tools.
Presenter(s): Kevin Manweiler, Cisco Systems, Inc. and Junnie R. Sadler, Cisco Systems, Inc.
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