VSAM Boot Camp, Part 3 of 3, Buffering, Record Level Sharing, and Performance Basics for VSAM Data Sets
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE in San Francisco 2013
Several things can be used to influence the performance of a VSAM data set, both positively and negatively. The speaker for this session will highlight many of the commonly used parameters that can be used to affect performance, and he will provide some general rules of thumb that can be used to guide you to selecting the best options for a VSAM data set. Buffering is probably the single biggest influence on the performance of a VSAM data set, so a fair amount of time will be devoted to explaining the different types of buffering available and how to select the correct number of buffers to use. Since Record Level Sharing (RLS) is essentially one type of buffering, a brief overview of VSAM RLS will also be presented. Michael E. Friske ; Fidelity Investments
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