VSAM RLS User Experience: History, Present, and Future (From Hell to Heaven and Beyond)
Project and Program:
MVS Storage Management
SHARE Phoenix 2019,
VSAM Record Level Sharing (RLS) allows concurrent access in a sysplex to your VSAM data sets at the record level, while also maintaining data integrity. If you've been curious about how to exploit this method of accessing VSAM data sets, come hear from an actual user about his experiences with implementing VSAM RLS in his environment.
DATEV has a long history using VSAM and VSAM/RLS. VSAM/RLS is used with CICS and homegrown Applications. Critical Applications like DATEV‘s JOB scheduling system and payroll. Main Programs are written in Assembler.
Some old applications using BDAM were migrated to VSAM/RLS. I/O Interface was simply changed from BDAM with relative Block-ID to VSAM KSDS with Block-ID as key.-Walter Auerochs-DATEV eG
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