VSP: We need it when? Mainframe Modernization strategies that work - fast
Project and Program:
SHARE-wide Events,
SHARE Phoenix 2019,
At the heart of the digital business, the mainframe needs to do so much more than ever before. Connecting, changing and improving to support complex requirements is fraught with challenges and risks.
Worse still, IT needs to deliver changes yesterday!
How best to approach today's requirements and deliver mainframe-based solutions faster?
The session outlines some practical stories from real organizations and how they have employed various modernization strategies to deliver business value, fast.
Modernization techniques we will explore include -
· Transforming the User Experience
· Application Integration and the API Economy
· Rapid application delivery using agile methods and DevOps
· Knowledge transfer and IT skills
The presentation by Micro Focus will feature genuine insights into customers' own experiences.-Derek Britton-Micro Focus; Donovan Deakin-Micro Focus
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