What Can I Do to Protect DB2 for z/OS against Warehousing; Websphere; and Itself?
Project and Program:
Information Management,
SHARE in San Antonio 2016
As DB2 for z/OS is exposed to more and more external influences and access methods DBAs and system programmers must not only be aware of these connections; but also take steps to protect the DB2 subsystem. This presentation will walk through 3 distinct tuning opportunities based on previous customer experiences.
The tuning scenarios are:
1) A DB2 warehouse environment being negatively affected by system parameters and its environment.
2) A DB2 subsystem that is the back end for a Websphere Application Server environment and what settings in WAS and DB2 have a bearing on each other. How do you protect DB2 at the application server; wherever it is?
3) An investigation of DB2's virtual storage including the tools; typical trends; and what can be done to maximize its utilization safely.-Adrian Burke-IBM Corporation
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