What's New in z/OSMF V2.3?
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE Phoenix 2019,
z/OSMF 2.3 delivers many new enhancements including:
removal of embedded Liberty from z/OSMF; support of customized named angel for Liberty used by z/OSMF; enhancements to REST z/OS Data set and file service; rollback V2R3 to V2R2; workflow support of parallel step execution; workflow support of REXX and Unix Shell scripts execution on remote system; WebISPF support of remote system; z/OSMF REST API support of Swagger documents;
Default z/OSMF data directory moved to /global mount point; and many more. The speaker will present all the improvements and enhancements available in this release.-Xiao Zhen (Joey) Zhu-IBM Corporation
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