WLM: The Area 51 of the Mainframe
Project and Program:
MVS Performance
Proceedings ,
2020 ,
SHARE Fort Worth 2020
A common Workload Manager mistake is inaccurately setting WLM importance levels – and the negative impact of this is often underestimated. WLM is that "AREA 51" that all Sys Progs know about, but many have concerns when it comes to making changes to that "Area". Once the WLM definitions have been set, the behavior of the workload should be revisited and analyzed from a performance and end user experience perspective. Join this session for tips and techniques on how to easily understand and optimize your WLM settings on an ongoing basis. Even if you’ve implemented cost controls via IBM pricing changes or physical management methods, during times of high demand on z/OS, WLM optimization is more important than ever to control workload throughput, maximize performance and minimize costs.-James Bagnell-Broadcom
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