z Systems - It's Been a Bumpy Ride
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE in Orlando 2015,
One of the primary missions of those charged with the responsibility to enhance and sustain the operational availability and integrity of the z Enterprise and its z Systems is to maintain their currency in both overall IT Server Market Trends and changes that specifically impact the z/OS environment. Such individual currency helps organizations adapt their IT strategies in ways that best fit the needs of all IT users and aids them in their long term effort towards reducing the Total Cost of z System Ownership (zTCO).
This presentation, an update to one presented at SHARE in San Francisco and the IBM zUniversity in New Orleans in 2013, will provide fresh insight into the “Ups and Downs” experienced by hardware, software and business service providers as they manage the shift to “Hyper-Scale”, increasing Cloud based Systems of Record, all in an effort to satisfy the apparent, insatiable demand for service that is resulting from the never ending introduction of global systems that intend to engage users at every possible entry point.-Paul Robichaux-NewEra Software, Inc.
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