z/OS Documentation by Design
Project and Program:
MVS Performance
SHARE St. Louis 2018
z/OS product documentation is constantly evolving. Today, making you more productive is more important than ever. In V2R3, z/OS moved to a continuous delivery model for both function and documentation. Solution-based documentation is the latest in our information evolution. Solutions are carefully designed and constructed to help Systems Programmers and other mainframe professionals accomplish complex tasks such as implementing pervasive encryption quickly. Solutions may also include non-traditional formats, such as z/OSMF workflows that guide users through complicated tasks that can be spread across disciplines in customer shops. The speaker will discuss the latest in “designer” information. We will provide a guide to the universe of documentation for Z Systems and z/OS, explain how to set up your own local IBM Knowledge Center on z/OS and how to leverage the new “Look At” API for messages and commands.-Bill Keller-IBM
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