z/OS Planned Outage Avoidance Checklist
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE in Orlando 2011
For most z/OS installations, planned outages account for far more application down time than unplanned outages. Yet at a time when so many IT departments are under tremendous pressure to improve availability, installations are still performing IPLs and Power-On-Resets to implement changes that could be activated dynamically. The two most common reasons for this are lack of awareness of the dynamic activation capabilities, and that old favorite - "we have always done it this way". This session discusses some of the System z attributes that required a disruptive activation at one time in the past, but can now be activated dynamically. The session is not long enough to cover everything that comes under this heading, but it will address the items that are the most likely causes of planned outages.
Presenter(s): Marna Walle, IBM Corporation
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