z/OS Planned Outages - Control them, instead of the other way around
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE in Anaheim 2012,
Traditionally, planned IPLs were required to make the changes to support your business. But your business wouldn't let you IPL because of the impact to application availability. A constant stream of changes to z/OS and the subsystems have greatly reduced the number of changes that require an IPL. This session builds on the information provided in the z/OS Planned Outage Avoidance Checklist Redbook, with updates for enhancements delivered in z/OS Releases 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. The objective of this session is to make you aware of these changes so that you can plan your IPLs based on a sound technical strategy, rather than performing IPLs when they are not required or performing them because "we have always done it that way".
Frank Kyne ; IBM Corporation
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