z/OS Requirements: Influencing IBM Development
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE in Orlando 2011
One of the main objectives of SHARE is to help shape IBM development. And, you can help this effort by using the SHARE Requirements System. SHARE requirements have resulted in IBM making hundreds of changes requested by SHARE members. In this session, we will show how you can write your own requirements, and how you can discuss and vote on requirements that would be important to you. Although sponsored by the MVS Core Technologies Project, this session should provide value for all attendees. Bring your laptop or use ours to sign up for the projects that interest you. We promise immediate approval and access to the database for z/OS-related areas of interest. If you have ever been frustrated by an APAR that was closed as SUG, resubmit it as a requirement and see how much more attention it gets when it's sponsored by SHARE.
Presenter(s): Cheryl Watson, Watson & Walker, Inc. and Steve Warren, IBM Corporation
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