z/OS SMF Logstream Mode: Update and User Experience
Project and Program:
MVS Core Technologies
SHARE in San Francisco 2013
"This session positions the use of System Logger log streams as a repository for System Management Facilities (SMF) data against the previous use of VSAM data sets for SMF data. By looking at how you use SMF data today, the session helps you identify the most appropriate repository for your SMF data. There have been significant enhancements to SMF since the log stream support was initially delivered up to R13, and these will be covered as well. To fully understand the changes brought about by the System Logger-related enhancements in SMF and how they can impact you, this session will help you wrap your mind around this new SMF paradigm.
A user experience will then be presented on the process of implementing, the pro's and cons, and hints and tips to be successful. Glenn Anderson ; IBM Corporation & Skip Robinson ; Southern California Edison"
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